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Harmony Corner

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to those who have supported us.


Experience. Engage. Attend

New singers are welcome. Rehearsals are every Monday from 7-9pm and no auditions are required.

Location: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 11650 Perris Blvd., Moreno Valley, CA 92557.

~ Welcome ~

Hello, music lover and welcome to the website for the Moreno Valley Master Chorale. The chorale is the "Official Choral Ambassador" for the City of Moreno Valley. We were founded in 1986 to provide a creative outlet for local singers.

The Chorale presents three major concerts annually. We actively participate in many city sponsored events, including singing the National Anthem at the first City Council meeting of the year. We are proud to be a member of the Moreno Valley Chamber of Commerce. In addition to performing in the City of Moreno Valley, we are active in the Inland Empire musical scene. We have performed with the San Bernardino Symphony, at the Redlands Bowl, with the Loma Linda Symphony Orchestra, and in Palm Springs.

~ Past MVMC Events ~

Watch concert highlights of Moreno Valley Master Chorale and Orchestra performing "Dona nobis pacem" at the Christmas concert at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Moreno Valley within the Inland Empire on December 11th, 2022.

Artistic Director Dr. Viorel Gheorghe a graduate of the University of Redlands and director of the Loma Linda Symphony Orchestra.

Watch highlights from Moreno Valley Master Chorale and Orchestra concert located within the Inland Empire singing various Christmas songs.

Artistic Director Dr. Viorel Gheorghe. The Accompanist was Jonathan Keplinger.

Solos include Internationally known soprano Camelia Voin who has performed at Los Angeles Performing Arts Orchestra, Redlands Symphony, Inland Empire Lyric Symphony, and many others. Her performances included "How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them", and "Rejoice Greatly. O Daughter of Zion".

Stephanie Steele, a graduate of UC Riverside, concert performances included "And Suddenly There Was With the Angel", and "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field".

Moreno Valley Master Chorale and Orchestra performed Handel's Messiah in Palm Springs on December 4th, 2022.

Artistic Director Dr. Gheorghe with memorable Christmas solos performed by Camelia Voin & Stephanie Steele.

This video is of the complete concert. Due to the file size, it loads very slow.